Citizens initiative - Mission Viejo

Citizens initiative
Letter to the editor

On Dec. 15, 2005, citizens of Mission Viejo submitted to the ad hoc committee of the Planning Commission – now the ad hoc committee of the City Council – a citizens initiative.

The citizens initiative, if approved by this council and the voters, would permit our citizens to vote on all changes to our zoning where commercial to residential or mixed-use is required. Our city is built out. We have very few commercial properties left.

What better system to reflect democracy at its best and allow our voters the right to choose for themselves these zone changes?

Recently, our council approved $20,000 for a consultant to obtain citizen input into what needs our citizens have for Mission Viejo. The citizens initiative is the most accurate and best method to determine just what the sentiment is of our citizens regarding zone changes.

Our citizens want and should have an up-or-down vote on the initiative. It should be agenized and voted on by each council member. Do our council members work for the citizens of Mission Viejo or do they work for some other agency or the state?

A resolution to the initiative sitting in committee is needed now, not later.

James Edward Woodin
Mission Viejo