Check the Record, then Decide

Check the record, then decide
Letter to the editor

Have some of those commenting in other forums lost their objectivity about the “Pied Piper,” Frank Ury? Before following, they should look where he’s leading. Mission Viejo's Pied Piper is similar to the ambivalent figure in the original legend. As an abductor of once true activists, Ury has become self-serving. The mirror has two faces – public and political.

As Ury’s first act on the council, he placed an item on the agenda to overturn the council’s vote to fund $1.3 million for the Sierra Recreation Center. In an act that threw out the budget and quickly pushed the project over $2 million, was he fulfilling an I.O.U. to Trish Kelley in exchange for her endorsement for his election campaign?

Next, he submitted a proposal to develop the land under the power lines along Olympiad, which belongs to his homeowners association. This was a misuse of public funds. Was it another payback for the support of his H.O.A.? This one, however, should have drawn the ire of his N.O.P.E. supporters, but it didn't. This so-called public park on private land would be directly under the same power lines he claimed were so dangerous before his election.

Ury's pledges to fight state government mandates quickly turned toward backroom deals with developers. There is no doubt, to objective council watchers, that anything enacted in Anaheim will next appear on the Mission Viejo agenda under Ury’s comments.

Of course, Ury comes prepared with reports and letters of support supplied by his political consultant, who long ago spelled out his big plan for Mission Viejo.

Continue to watch this blog as we reveal what the city will become with these manipulations. In the meantime, ask questions, stay vigilant and, most of all, regain objectivity.

Bo Klein
Mission Viejo