Should Mission Viejo Have a Dog Park?

Should Mission Viejo Have a Dog Park?
Letter to the editor

Should a dog park be built within the city of Mission Viejo? The City Community Services Commission currently has an ad hoc citizen committee exploring the feasibility of creating such a park.

Among city dog owners (our family has two Miniature Schnauzers) there are undoubtedly many who will view a dog park as a highly desirable addition to the city park system. But a number of questions need to be answered and obstacles overcome before a dog park becomes a reality.

For example, is there a suitable site location in the city for a dog park? What size acreage should the park be? Should there be separate enclosures for large and small dogs? What kind of fencing is required? Should it have night lighting, restrooms (for owners), a swimming pool (for dogs) or off-street parking?

Also, should there be an upper limit on the total construction and maintenance costs of the park? Should the city taxpayers bear the financial burden or should the city explore a business partnership with pet stores and veterinary clinics to share in the costs?

I firmly believe that to be fiscally responsible, this proposed project must undergo a complete and accurate cost-benefit analysis to determine the level of need and potential use, as well as the cost to the taxpayers.

These and other issues will be addressed by the committee over the next several months. Citizens are encouraged to express their opinions to city hall or at future committee meetings.

Michael Ferrall, Ph.D.
Mission Viejo
Member, Community Services Commission and ad hoc Dog Park Committee