Meaning of the Fourth of July

The Meaning of the Fourth of July
by Michael Ferrall, Ph.D.

As we celebrate the Fourth of July with fireworks, backyard picnics or a day at the beach, it is also important to reexamine the meaning and the effects of what began on July 4, 1776, and why we celebrate this day.

Yes, the Fourth of July represents a historical celebration of the colonial citizens’ revolt against rule by the English monarchy and a celebration of the “founding” of the United States by the subsequent drafting and implementation of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Indeed, these were profound events. But they represent an even more fundamental evolution of the nature of human society, namely, the evolution of Western civilization and the rise of what is called “Classical Liberalism.” (Not to be confused with modern, or current, “liberalism.”)

The Declaration of Independence, the revolution itself, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the creation of the United States represent a momentous historical shift in the nature of human life and in the level of political and economic freedoms available to humans on this planet.

Classical Liberalism” embodies the rise of representative democracy and capitalism. As Thomas Jefferson was writing the Declaration of Independence in June 1776, Adam Smith’s book, The Wealth of Nations, was being published in England.

The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights represent the culmination and implementation of more than 200 years of evolving political thought in the Western world. The Wealth of Nations, likewise, represents a modernized perspective on economic law: that is, property rights and the fundamental relationship of property ownership to personal freedom.

In the 2000-plus years prior to 1776 (with the exception, perhaps, of B.C. periods of ancient Greece and the Roman Republic) human beings throughout the earth had no political or economic freedoms at all. In this world, political and economic power was controlled from the “top down” by an assortment of kings, queens, emperors, lords of the manor and the like. The common person was expected to serve those who had power. A typical person or family had little control or protections over their lives. Slavery and various forms of servitude were common everywhere.

Classical Liberalism – based on the philosophical notion of individualism – turned this old, un-free Western world upside down. The concept of individualism suggests, and even requires, that individuals can and should control their own political and economic destiny.

Representative democracy says that kings and queens are not only bad, they are not necessary. Instead, individual citizens can control the government from the “bottom up” through elections, and government powers will be limited and specific. Under capitalism, property ownership makes individuals free and independent. Free markets allow the buying and selling of goods and services, and they result in an ever-increasing level of economic well-being for everyone.

In addition to the ideas expressed by Jefferson and Smith, earlier philosophers like Milton (“Areopagetica”), Thomas Hobbes (“The Leviathan”), John Locke (“The Second Treatise on Civil Government”), Charles Montesquieu (“The Spirit of Laws”) and Jean Jacque Rousseau (“The Social Contract”) were among the other major contributors to the ideas embodied in Classical Liberalism. James Madison and Alexander Hamilton (“The Federalist Papers”) explained the nature and meaning of the newly written U.S. Constitution and the importance of representative democracy and its relationship to capitalism.

In terms of legal authority, representative democracy was to be a moderating alternative to the extremes of monarchy, where the king has absolute control, and anarchy, where the absence of law and order was the problem.

In the American system, the federal government was given limited areas of authority – national security and economic stability. The U.S. Constitution gave Congress the power to “maintain a navy,” “raise an army,” build forts, train soldiers and “declare war.” It also gave Congress the economic power to “coin money” and regulate the value thereof; “regulate commerce” with foreign nations and between the states; collect taxes and borrow money, protect patents and copyrights; and establish post offices and roads. Above all, Congress was to provide for the “common defense” and the “general welfare” of the “United States” (the nation, not individuals).

To further limit the power of the new government, the Constitution employed the principles of “federalism” (dividing federal and state government powers); “separation of powers” (separate powers for the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government); and “checks and balances” (the three branches could check the power of each other).

Individual liberties were enhanced further with the addition of the Bill of Rights, which protected citizen’s religious beliefs and practices; freedom of speech, press and assembly; the right to criticize government leaders; and the right of due process in protecting life, liberty and property.

In the capitalist economic world, competition would encourage creativity, inventiveness and hard work, which would benefit businesses, workers and consumers alike. Individuals could educate themselves, develop job skills and choose an occupation. They were free to start a business, sell their labor and accumulate property and personal assets, all of which would be protected by contract and property right laws established by government.

While representative democracy and capitalism greatly expanded political and economic liberty for the common citizen, these liberties were only one part of the “social contract.” Along with these liberties, citizens had responsibilities to fulfill. They were, for example, expected to vote and obey the laws; and economically, they were obligated to sustain themselves and their family and not be a burden to others.

Yes, we have had significant changes to this early system over time, both good and bad. Voting rights, for example, have been extended to all citizens age 18 and older; and the United States, along with Great Britain and France, in the mid-1800s, used their political systems to ban slavery within their countries.

However, on the negative side, with the rise of the “welfare state” government, power has grown far beyond that originally intended, often limiting economic liberties; and non-elected judges and bureaucrats have greatly expanded their lawmaking power at the expense of voters and elected legislators. Also, there are authoritarian and Marxist types among us who constantly attack the basic elements of democracy and capitalism. Fortunately, strong defenders of the basic principles of Classical Liberalism still exist who oppose them. As political and economic freedom has expanded with the unfolding of Classical Liberalism, the world as well as Western civilization, has been profoundly impacted. No culture in the history of the earth has created a level, or degree, of personal liberties equivalent to those put into place by the “founding fathers” more than 200 years ago. We should be forever thanking them. We should also hope that the rest of the world would some day realize how much their lives would benefit by accepting the same philosophy.

About the author:
Dr. Ferrall teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in law, government and politics at California State University Fullerton and California State University Long Beach. He lives in Mission Viejo.