MV's Biggest Celebration of the Year

July 4th Street Faire and Fireworks
Mission Viejo’s Biggest Celebration of the Year

Mission Viejo’s Activities Committee estimates 20,000 people will attend this year’s extravaganza on July 4th. The Street Faire opens at noon on Olympiad Road, and the fireworks display starts at 9 p.m. Vendor booths on Olympiad Road between Marguerite Parkway and Melinda include music, food, beverages and many other offerings with more than 100 vendors participating.

The Mission Viejo News Blog will be represented in three areas along Olympiad Road. At the east and west entrances to the Street Faire, blog staffers and other community members will register voters. Inside the gate, come to Booth 99 for another voter registration opportunity, along with art and crafts, glitter cards and glitter “tattoos” for children. Meet some of the political candidates who will run for city council in November.

The Street Faire on Olympiad is at the north end of Lake Mission Viejo. Cross streets are Marguerite Parkway and Olympia Road. When coming from the I-5, take the Alicia Parkway exit and continue east. Turn right (north) on Marguerite, and park as close as possible to Olympiad Road. Parking is also available in Youth Athletic Park (off Olympiad near Marguerite). Those attending the Street Faire may also enter from the east side at Olympiad and Melinda.