PALs Update

PALs Update
by Julie Collier

Dear PALs,

As stated before, I cannot thank all of you enough for your words of support for all parents trying to do what is right for our children. You are amazing advocates for your children. I hope you never back down.

My attorney, Wayne Tate, received an email from Go Daddy that apparently identified Chris Korpi (through his Korpi Marketing Services) as the registrant for the websites with my name and our organization’s name. Mr. Korpi is known as one of the volunteers and/or leaders of Capistrano Unified Children First that are supporters of candidates for CUSD school board. I have heard him speak at a few board meetings. Needless to say, I was shocked to hear the news that someone so close to a campaign for our school board election was connected to this.

Our CUSD school board election has taken yet another bad turn with these latest events. Regardless of who did this, it is wrong and should never be acceptable in an election of any kind, least of all where candidates are being voted to support the education and future of children. Parents have a right to stand up and be a voice for their children without the fear of retribution. In fact, it is our obligation, as parents, to be a voice for our children, and we deserve to be heard. Teachers have their unions. Students have their parents.

You can read the article in The Patch. This article has the letter to Mr. Tate from Go Daddy along with Mr. Korpi’s response. Deceptive Campaign Websites Tied to Children First Volunteer

In another article from The Patch you can read about the money being spent by the teachers’ union and other campaigns for the CUSD school board race. More than $100K Spent in CUSD Races

I hope you all take time to research every candidate for school board, including voting records and behavior toward the public. When you have made your choice, share it with others or on Parents Advocate League Facebook page.

All the best,
Julie Collier
Executive Director, Parents Advocate League