Mission Viejo Buzz - 10/20/12

The Buzz
Polling numbers for the White House: the most recent Rasmussen Tracking poll, ending Oct. 20, shows Romney at 49 percent and Obama at 47 percent. The final presidential debate will be held at Lynn University in Boca Raton on Mon., Oct. 22.


Let the voter beware -- Mission Viejo council candidates Frank Ury and Wendy Bucknum are the poster boy and girl for special interest. Last week, the out-of-town backers of Bucknum sent a nasty mailer to Mission Viejo residents to mock Councilwoman Cathy Schlicht for her concern for public safety. Voters who received it said it was a ridiculous personal attack on the one council member who is looking out for taxpayers and the safety of all residents. One of them said, “Rather than a comment about Cathy, the hit piece was an indictment of its author.”


A union supporter created a bogus website to undermine a volunteer group, Parents Advocate League. PALs director Julie Collier sent a message last week about the attacks against her group and a conservative Capo school board candidate, Bill Perkins. She wrote, “In addition to having misleading websites of my name and PAL, there were also other websites created of another outspoken mom in the district and another candidate for CUSD school board, Bill Perkins. You can read more in the SJC Patch article: http://sanjuancapistrano.patch.com/articles/misleading-web-addresses-have-a-cusd-candidate-critics-up-in-arms  I am hopeful the people involved will do the right thing and take down these bogus websites.”


Awareness is growing among voters that council candidate Wendy Bucknum is a professional lobbyist in the housing industry. Her list of so-called endorsements is her employer’s client list as well – elected officials who sell their votes. Here’s a second opinion: http://missionviejodispatch.com/politics/dispatch-endorses-council-candidates/


Following outrageous behavior by the Santa Margarita Water District directors, Mission Viejo residents said dump the incumbents http://www.missionviejoca.org/html/article225.html . As the lead agency, SMWD directors in July unanimously approved the Cadiz proposal to transport water from the Mojave Desert. Mission Viejo Tea Party Patriots, whose voter recommendations are published on this blog, do not support the incumbents. The problem is finding three decent candidates for the three seats at stake in this election. Last week, the Tea Partiers removed Charles “Chuck” Gibson for their recommendations after Gibson referred to Roger Faubel as his “close friend.” Faubel is a current SMWD director.


Frank Ury again tried to fool residents about electronic billboards during the Oct. 15 council meetings. However, the truth became even more obvious – the council majority of Ury-Kelley-Leckness previously voted in support of pursuing the electronic billboards idea, and the developer and city staff have been meeting behind closed doors. On Oct. 15, Kelley stated she and Leckness are “neutral” despite their votes in June. With the council majority, “neutral” evidently means they haven’t yet received their checks from the developer. Ury and Bucknum have received their checks, and they are not neutral. Developers will get rich quick, to the detriment of property values of those who live nearby and the safety of drivers. One of the proposed sites for the billboards is along the I-5 from Avery to La Paz – a particularly dangerous stretch of freeway.