Mission Viejo Buzz - 02/04/12

The Buzz

Ken Lopez-Maddox was mentioned last week on the Capistrano Dispatch as a political candidate. While some people think he might run again for the Capo school board, Jonathan Volzke indicates Lopen-Maddox is a potential Aliso Viejo City Council candidate. Lopez-Maddox was removed from the Capo school board by a union-driven recall in 2010. http://capistranoinsider.typepad.com/beyond_the_blackboard/2012/01/maddox-err-lopez-is-back-.html


A group of Mission Viejo Republicans met at the Mission Viejo Country Club on Jan. 28 to hear OC GOP Scott Loenhorst’s presentation on how to Get Out The Vote. A straw poll of attendees found a majority were Rick Santorum supporters, with the remainder split between Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. The most recent national poll as of this writing is Gallup Tracking (ending Feb. 3), in percentages: Romney (35), Gingrich (24), Santorum (16) and Paul (12). http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2012/president/us/republican_presidential_nomination-1452.html


Email from Joe Holtzman: “As you know, Southern California Edison’s nuclear energy generation station is problematic. It has THE worst safety record of all of the nuclear energy generation stations in the United States. You will want to listen to this expose of SCE’s San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station in Southern California. This is FLAT scary.” Click on the link to hear an audio interview with San Onofre whistleblower James Chambers, who says the nuclear power plant has dangerously thinning tubes in the newly replaced steam generators.  He says the condition is unprecedented and critical, and he gives his recommendations:


From the Feb. 4 Pacific Justice Institute newsletter: “Los Angeles, CA - A veteran Los Angeles teacher has been arrested on multiple charges of child molestation allegedly occurring inside the classroom. Meanwhile, radio reports indicate that the teacher's union arranged for him to resign-even after the discovery of shocking pictures involving his students-so that he could collect a generous pension from taxpayers.” http://pacificjustice.org/


The media touted the “great news” of January’s rising employment figures – all to the credit of Barack Obama, of course. Kevin Jackson looks beyond the Obama-generated jubilation: “The fraudulent unemployment numbers are out and Obama is celebrating. He said to Congress, ‘Don't muck it up.’ Forget that Obama has spent $6.2T to have one good month of good jobs report, but the fact is that the reason the unemployment figures dropped is a whopping 1.2M people dropped out of the job search altogether. This is how Obama must measure, as there is no good news otherwise.” The real numbers remain grim: http://www.infowars.com/long-term-unemployment-remains-high-millions-leave-labor-force/?utm_source=Humor+-+The+Antidote+for+Liberalism++v6-2012&utm_campaign=02-05-12+Newsletter+-+The+Black+Sphere&utm_medium=email


Forwarded by Mission Viejo Tea Party Patriot Kris H., “Don’t re-elect this disaster!” Obama’s record, from Mr.Conservative.com: